What is Sidechain Society

#wearesidechain Sidechain Society is a community created in celebration of beat culture, curated by STLNDRMS.  It's hard to really put into words but in short, it's a place for beat nerds to be beat nerds...

What you get for your membership

  • The Community. It's really a big deal man I cant overstate how much of an impact this group of people has had on me. Having access to folks from all walks of life in all parts of the world is an actual game changer... Folks with Grammys, Senior developers for some of the most prestigious audio companies in the world. People winning Tec awards, Playing festivals, Working with some of the biggest artists on the planet. People who have played a role in Hip Hop History. Down to folk who just made their first beat. They are all here and all connected in a every real way... Its legit beautiful. Im grateful to be apart of this thing man. Some of the best musicians and genuinely good people I've ever met, i met here. 

  • SOUNDS! Get every kit I've created so far, as well as exclusive sounds and discounts for other sounds in the future as well as a repository in the discord where we share sounds also.

  • Access to over 100 videos explaining a techniques, tools and ideas pertaining to the business and or creative side of creating music for a living. How I chop, How I make Drums, How i pich venues for shows, Camera basics, Obs, Lighting, Contracts... Its all here and then some...

  • Discounts and giveaways. I make it a point to try and negotiate giveaways, discounts and/or a freebies for Sidechain Society members anytime I partner with a company. We've had Universal Audio, Ableton, Serato and more show love. You never know when the next opportunity will pop up.

  • Live sessions every Thursday via zoom where we share our music, fellowship about music and life in general, review mixes, dig for samples and more. These sessions are a mix of barbershop conversation, educational lecture and general exploration... 12+hrs of beat nerds being beat nerds every week... Need some feedback on a mix, ideas on arrangements or just want to build with a group a folks that get it... This is the place. 

  • Access to a very active Discord community 100% created for beat heads. More than just a discord server, we have worlds with in worlds in our community... Learn to code, Work on financial literacy, Get your steps in, Compare recipes... The discord is where the community really shines... It might be the most valuable part of this whole thing to be honest... 

Listen, I'm very biased i know... but this thing is kind of a big deal... Take a second and check it out... Sign up for a month. You don't find value in it... cool, you get a bunch of sounds for the low. There's no way you wont find value though. I can stand on that.

Peace and love

Subscribe to Sidechain Society

#wearesidechain Sidechain Society is a community created in celebration of beat culture, curated by STLNDRMS


I make beats and build vibes.
i like music a lot. to the point where i found a life hack where i can survive off of how much i like it.